If you followed along with the first post in this series you should be set up with at least one mobile device emulator, either iOS or Android, and the code for a mobile app.
Visual Studio 2017/2019 for Windows or Visual Studio for Mac With these techniques you’ll be able to test and debug a single app on a variety of devices and OS versions without needing a stack of phones. You’ll also learn how to deploy and run on iOS and Android emulators. This post will show you how to deploy and run your Xamarin app on an iPhone or Android device. The first post in this series showed how to get set up and build your first app in Xamarin with C#.
Since your apps will be running on a mobile operating system like Android or iOS, testing and debugging them requires running them on a device running one of those operating systems or a simulation of a device.
Creating mobile apps with Xamarin involves more than just coding and pressing F5.